Monday, May 30, 2011

funny people quotes

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  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 24, 10:50 PM
    Your response makes it rather obvious how much thought and research you put into it.

    Couldn't that be said of your original post???

    How much thought and research went into "Downhill since Tiger."?

    At least an elaboration on a point or two why you think that might have ward off the other poster's comment. Not arguing against your opinion. Everyone has one. But your lack of specificity certainly opened you up... Just say'n. :cool:

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  • Cromulent
    Nov 10, 06:01 PM
    Free-for-all is fun, and I agree that the TI cheat was irritating, but FFA is really only scratching the surface of the multiplayer. Either way, there's no doubting for me that Black Ops is jerky, graphically and sonically inferior, and basically a poor cousin. Roll on MW3. I think I might sell Black Ops it's that bad.

    FFA was the only multiplayer mode worth playing in MW2. The rest sucked. Honestly Infinity Ward lost the plot after CoD 2 since then they have been well below par.

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  • sarcosis
    Nov 13, 01:50 PM
    I'm happy with Black Ops so far. Let me say this though, i have not touched the Single Player and have only played like 10 minutes of Zombies. So this is from a multi-player perspective.

    Good Map Variety - I think the maps are well designed. They have a few good places where snipers could actually hide and do their thing. In MW2, good luck finding a hole to crawl into. Generally it was shoot and move.
    Points System- I like the points system. It let's me get my gear the way I want it quicker. That helps with my KD Ratio.
    Balance - I think this is more balanced than MW2. It gives new players a chance to get in the game while giving experienced players a nicer challenge. No more getting screwed quite as much if you wern't the fastest.

    Connectivity - I find it very laggy at times. Perhaps that's due to initial server load, but someone needs to fix this
    Graphics: While it's Ok, the fire animation is.....
    Stupid Killstreaks: Yeah, RC Car, I'm looking at you.

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  • acearchie
    Aug 1, 08:43 AM
    Ohhh :( everyone should be able to benefit from the beautiful iTunes music store... But i wish apple would hurry up in getting tv shows to the other stores!!!

    I would buy buy buy its so simplistic! LOl

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  • mduser63
    Sep 12, 07:20 AM
    Note that it doesn't say "The iTunes Music Store is being updated." That's a pretty clear sign to me that not only are they going to add movies, it's also now just going to be the iTunes Store.

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  • ri0ku
    Dec 4, 06:59 PM
    I dont play the game anymore, still having performance issues on my mbp (specs in sig) online.... just laggy as hell even with 70fps its still jumping all over the place...

    (Can play campaign fine on high detail...)

    Annoying as hell, 1st patch they released did nothing.. but after some tweaking I made the game almost good enough to play.. then 2nd patch just ruined it even worse than it was before the 1st patch.

    So I give up, Will never buy a game from tryarch again I have learned my lesson

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 12, 08:12 AM
    First iTMS wasn't working, now it is.. it's like they're updating the DNS or something.
    Something like that. I've been noticing that has been there and 404 intermittently.

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  • notabadname
    Apr 16, 12:24 PM
    It's hard to know what features Apple wouldn't have included in the latest gen of a product if it hadn't been for competition. Maybe iPad 2 wouldn't have had the improved GPU if it had zero competing products.
    One thing I'm certain of, iOS would still not have had personal hot spot if it hadn't been for the competition from Android.

    This argument is flawed IMO, because, even in a vacuum of competition, Apple is going to advance the product line each year for the purpose of upgrading customers. The business model doesn't work, even in the absence of competition, to allow a product line to become static. To think that Apple wouldn't add features, make it faster, sleeker, lighter, etc is flawed. Even with no competition, there would have been an iPad 2. They are all about selling products, every year. And a lot of that consumer base is in existing customers - they've gotta keep us reinvesting in the product. And it would have to have significant improvements for people like me to trade version 1 for it.

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  • millerb7
    May 2, 11:03 AM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    Well that's just wrong... they aren't completely removing location tracking in anything. Just fixing "bugs" that stored to much information in a file on your phone.


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  • Veri
    Oct 1, 05:44 AM
    That house was a dilapidated piece of junk with little "history". The local conservationists and planning authorities had to raise hell about something to justify their existence.

    BTW - there are not that many large plots in the area. Steve earned the money - he bought the property - get the clods out of the way.

    The US had and has no concept of allodial title for private persons. Neither does the State of California. There appears to be a revisionist movement in the US when it comes to the history of property rights, physical and intellectual.

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  • The Funny Quotes Community.

  • maflynn
    Apr 11, 12:28 PM
    It'll be really cool if they release a free beta for a year or so like they did with W7. The W7 beta was very stable and knocked off a nice chunk of money from a new build (for a while anyway)

    I'm hoping that will be the case, and I'm thinking that will occur as they want to drum up some excitement for win8.

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  • 7o7munoz7o7
    Dec 13, 04:59 PM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Your second point: Don't you think Verizon would take the oppurtunity to give apple what they really want over the Android phones: The first 4g phone on Verizon network. That would be a huge advantage. Just because the network isnt fully up yet doesn't mean Verizon couldn't have given apple the tech to make a 4g iphone. Verizon see android phone sales dropping and know that an iphone would boost sales by a huge amount.

    Your third point: It would only be one chip, read the article for reference. How do you know how much battery it uses? It may be only a small amount more than 3g. Att's 3g sucked when the 3g iphone came out. It still sucks. Don't underestimate apple and verizon. You may be surprised!

    Edit: By no means am a I acknowledging the merit or lack there of of this article

    What iPhone 4 Antenna Problem?

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  • steviem
    Apr 9, 12:57 PM
    It's really easy to spot fake beats when your scrutinizing them.

    The knockoffs don't break? j/k

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Mar 10, 11:01 AM
    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight.
    What was the "old" definition of computing, and what is it now?

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 27, 09:39 AM
    3.7" ain't going to cut it, sorry

    how is that battery life going to be on that larger screen you want?

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  • JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM
    God I wish I could be.

    Yes, Apple are probably going to release full length movies tomorrow morning but there's nothing out there that proves it yet.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of aaaaalllll aaageeesssss.....

    Come the incredible hyperactive inattentive Apple Special Event thread!!!

    You are really disenchanted by this thread arent you?

    But at the end of the day its your fault. You are the leader you must take responsibility.

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 29, 05:13 AM
    Game developers. World of Warcraft. Adobe. Microsoft. All of these developers not only do not distribute on the App Store but can not due to the App Store's TOS. I like the App Store but the control/terms keep a lot of great programs (like World of Warcraft, which one the Apple Design Award multiple times I think) out.

    What???? 30% is too much for them? Or is there something else in the terms that drive them away?

    My friend... I use to work for Adobe and it's not the 30% margin keeping them away. 30% is normal for distribution.

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  • Northgrove
    Apr 29, 01:41 PM
    Yes! Now analyze this build and post an article about it for me, minions! :D

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  • -Jeff
    Oct 28, 07:59 PM
    Logic Pro 7 has yet to be cracked, so Apple has people who know how to do copyright protection.

    Emagic already had the security dongle in place when Apple bought Logic from them. Apple just made it white and put their logo on it.

    a quick look at google will show you that Logic Pro 7 has definately been cracked... ;)

    It's not a full version of Logic Pro. It's Logic Express with the track count limitations removed. Many of the plug-ins are not included in the cracked version, and the plug-ins were a major reason that I bought Logic Pro.

    Nothing is uncrackable, but Logic Pro is about as close as it can be.

    Oct 19, 11:39 AM
    Two can play at that game. I still have the 400 shares I bought in 1997.

    Do the math. :)

    Split twice so that's 1600 shares now. $125K - you got him beat ;)

    Apr 12, 02:42 AM

    I've been telling this to people for awhile now...if Microsoft *truly* wants a killer OS, then they're gonna have to do what Apple did a decade ago -

    Leave the cruft, even if it breaks stuff for awhile, get RID of the registry (this was a good idea...coming from DOS, and being used in Windows 95), use a Linux or UNIX kernel as the base OS, and make applications self-contained, like Apple's are.

    It may be copying, but they've copied everything ELSE, why not copy something that *might* have a shot at making the apps easier to install, and viruses harder to get in?

    Besides, the apps were *almost* self-contained back in Windows 3.1 - anyone remember .ini files? If MS had let people keep those, there never would've been much use for a registry to begin with.

    Do you really think MS will ever do that?

    Sep 12, 07:33 AM
    They annoyed me this time.. I had 8 songs in my basket and i'm unable to purchase them - I can understand with an online store that delays something for at least 24 hours... but for an instant content delivery system it's rather annoying as a customer.

    Oct 6, 08:32 PM
    Seriously, what is it with verizon?! They didn't want they iphone b/c it came with features out the box that Apple wasn't going to cripple so verizon could charge their premiums for it(V Cast my a**). Now with so many defectors heading to at&t they
    see now what the consumer wants and will go where ever the best deal is. Like it or hate it the iphone is a freaking hit. Home run out the park. Balco juiced or au natural the darn thing is the s***!!!
    I have the 3GS and there ain't nothing out there like. NOTHING!!!!!!
    Now if only Apple would put gaming controls on the touch. You'd see the psp and the pspgo retail for $19.99. You know I'm right. And don't forget the dual analog sticks. OH LAWD! Sony would just die.

    Jul 22, 06:55 AM
    Amazing how polarized the results here are.

    I wonder how dry or how moist the skin is on the users who have the constant call dropping problem.

    My skin is really dry, bordering on uber dry.

    No problems here really.

    In fact, yesterday for the first time I ever I conducted a long distance call from a basement conference room in Stillwater Minnesota normally impossible to make cell calls from on ANY cell phone be it LG, Blackberry (various models), etc.

    The iPhone4 held that call brilliantly - normally I had to walk upstairs to make and hold a call at that location.

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